So I have this gift card.
From my Grandma.
That I got for Christmas.
It's a Starbucks gift card with an obscene amount of money on it to go and spend on coffee. To be honest....I don't drink coffee. So what do I do like every other person that has a gift card, I try and trade/ sell it to everyone I know at discount. I had no takers.
Second best option- ebay.
So I put I list this gift card on ebay because it's free listing day. And what do they do? They charge me 0.50 to list my card..... Ok, I thought it was free listing day. Not a big deal- I don't have anything invested in this gift card. Well not even 12 hours later- my gift card sold. I'm excited, I'm jumping up and down and pumped that Grandma got me something I wanted for Christmas! (Who doesn't like cash?)
Then I look at the fees.
Here's a breakdown...
- $0.50 to list the giftcard.
- $4.50 final price fee on the giftcard. (That's 10% of what the card sold for)
- $1.60 to transfer the money from PayPal to my account
- Grand Total- $6.60.
- Oh and I gave free shipping- but that's not ebay's fault.
I know I shouldn't be bothered by this because I mean c'mon it WAS a gift. But really think about this.... I sold a book the other day for $0.99. I was charged $0.25 to list it. Then ebay took 27% of my $0.99 that the book sold for.
Soooo.... I end up making $0.48.
Now I don't know if anyone remembers when ebay wasn't greedy.. Fees we're low, they weren't trying to rob the online world of buyers and sellers...
Well that's what we've come to do. We created this site not so we had some where to buy and sell our own items- we created so that normal people weren't paying 10-30% of there profits to a greedy company.
We have swooped in to rescue you.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to comment or email me personally.